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Afiliado MEI: regularize seu CNPJ antes que a Receita Federal te pegue

Some possible reasons for the high death rate in Somalia could include: 1. Malnutrition and famine: Somalia has experienced multiple famines in recent decades, which have resulted in widespread malnutrition and weakened immune systems, making individuals more susceptible to diseases and infections. 2. Limited access to healthcare: Somalia’s healthcare system is severely underdeveloped and lacks the necessary infrastructure, equipment, and medical professionals to provide adequate care to the population. This limited access to healthcare services can lead to preventable deaths from treatable illnesses and injuries. 3. Ongoing conflict and violence: Somalia has been plagued by decades of conflict and violence, including civil wars, insurgencies, and terrorist activities. This instability hampers efforts to improve healthcare services and infrastructure, disrupts the provision of essential medical supplies, and forces many people to flee their homes, making them vulnerable to health risks. 4. Infectious diseases: Somalia faces a high burden of infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, and measles. These diseases can spread easily in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, and the lack of access to healthcare and preventive measures contributes to their high mortality rates. 5. Limited clean water and sanitation: Access to clean water and sanitation facilities is limited in many parts of Somalia, leading to a