Contábil Play Contabilidade Para Negócios Digitais e Treinamentos

Contabilidade Digital sem Complicação!


Atendemos nossos clientes e gerenciamos todas as informações de forma 100% digital. Dessa forma você ganha velocidade no seu negócio e nós agilizamos as soluções.


Atendimento com pessoas de verdade para resultados de verdade. Esse é um dos pilares que preservamos ao criar a nossa solução de contabilidade digital 100% online.


Tenha uma contabilidade alinhada com o seu propósito para fazer o seu negócio crescer de forma segura e seguindo a conformidade contábil e fiscal do Brasil.

Desvendando a Contabilidade Geral para o Simples Nacional: Maximizando o sucesso empresarial

There are many reasons why people lie, but here are a few common motivations: 1. To avoid punishment: People may lie to avoid facing negative consequences or to protect themselves from punishment. This could be in the form of lying about breaking a rule or committing a crime. 2. To gain advantage: Some people lie in order to gain an advantage over others. This could be in the context of competition, negotiation, or personal relationships. They may exaggerate their skills or achievements to appear more capable or accomplished. 3. To protect someone’s feelings: People sometimes lie to spare someone’s feelings or to avoid hurting them. This could be in situations where the truth may be too harsh or difficult to handle. For example, someone might say they like a gift when they actually don’t, to avoid disappointing the person who gave it to them. 4. To maintain privacy: People may lie to protect their privacy or to keep certain aspects of their life hidden. They may provide false information or withhold the truth to maintain a sense of control over their personal information. 5. To manipulate others: Some individuals lie as a means of manipulating or controlling others. This could involve deceiving someone into believing something that is not true in order to gain power or influence over them. It’s important to

CNPJ Inapto: Descubra Soluções Práticas para Regularizar!

Python is a high-level programming language that is known for its simplicity and readability. It is commonly used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. Python has a large and active community, which means there are many libraries and resources available for developers. Some advantages of Python include its easy syntax, extensive library support, and the ability to integrate with other languages. Python is also cross-platform compatible, meaning it can run on multiple operating systems. Overall, Python is a versatile and powerful language that is widely used in various industries.

Conheça a importância da contabilidade como aliada para impulsionar sua empresa

The function of the respiratory system is to bring in oxygen from the air and expel carbon dioxide from the body. It is responsible for the process of respiration, which provides the body with oxygen for cellular respiration and removes waste products. The main organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, where gas exchange occurs, and the airways, which transport air to and from the lungs. The process of respiration involves inhalation, where air is taken into the lungs, and exhalation, where carbon dioxide is expelled from the body. Additionally, the respiratory system helps regulate the pH balance of the blood by controlling the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen.